Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Join the Fight
October is a very special month of the year. (And no, not because of the jack o’lanterns and trick-or-treat bowls.) October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In the US alone, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer— making it the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women.
With statistics like that, there isn’t a life the disease hasn’t touched in some way. And it has definitely hit close to home for us. A member of the Allens Boots family, Paula Aguilar, is courageously fighting the disease.
Serving the community full time, Paula is a senior officer with Austin Police Department and also serves as our direct liaison with the department. If you’ve visited the store on weekends, you may have even seen her here providing security. (She is one tough woman!)
Ribbon God boots by Old Gringo | Call to order: 512-447-1413 option 2 (while supplies last)
Police officer, wife, mother. She is a woman who is used to helping others, but we knew it was our chance to help her! While supplies last, get these Ribbon God boots from Old Gringo. 100% of our sales from this boot will go to Paula to help offset some of her expenses. This boot is an in-store exclusive, so it can only be purchased at our South Congress location or over the phone at 512-447-1413 option 2.
This month, Allens Boots also donated several pairs of kids’ boots to children who are still fighting to beat cancer. The Pink Heals event hosted by the Travis County Sheriff’s Office supports cancer fighters and survivors, as well as their families. We were happy to be part of such a special movement!
With so many people affected by cancer, in so many ways, there are countless opportunities to join the fight. We encourage you to get involved in your community. Help in any way you can!